I'm Ian Hazlewood, a retired engineer living near London. I have always loved to travel and explore, and by nature I'm very curious - I love art, history, nature, science, culture, architecture... pretty much everything! 
In my career I was fortunate to live and work in six different countries (all of which I explored extensively!) in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and the Far East, and to visit many more whilst on business or vacation. Early in my career whilst living in Brunei, I met and married my darling wife so, with family across the globe, continued travelling was a given. Now that we're retired, the travelling and exploring has continued apace - although with an increasing awareness of our environmental impact, and the need to mitigate and to support local, sustainable initiatives. 
I have always taken photos, but some of the early efforts were not very good - what a difference going digital has made! I also enjoy planning and arranging trips, for example leading a convoy across the vast Wahiba Sands in Oman in the early 1990's with the aid of just a compass and a hand-drawn map - what a difference GPS and the internet has made! Many of the trips shown I've planned myself, but for others I've used specialist travel companies e.g. Behinburg, Cachet, Exodus, Explore, Inside Asia, Intrepid, Nomad, Nordic Visitor, Palace on Wheels and Rickshaw. If you'd like to know more about any of the trips, please contact me. I hope you enjoy the photos from our many varied trips! (This photo was taken in Iran - an absolutely fascinating country!)   
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